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Princess Zelda is the titular character of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda role-playing game series.

Contest history[]

Zelda is one of the most famous female video game characters of all time.

In the mixed-gender GameFAQs Character Battles she stands second only to fellow Nintendo character Samus Aran as the most successful females ever to play in the contest.

Zelda's also a powerhouse in 4chan's Queen of /v/ contest. However, she's not even the strongest character in her own series; that title goes to /v/ sex symbol Midna, who defeated her in round 3 of the inaugural contest, and eventually captured bronze in that year. Zelda is also responsible for defeating robot waifu Curly Brace twice in a row.

Match history[]



External links[]

Beware of spoilers.

  • Wikipedia
  • [Wikia]
  • [MyAnimeList]
  • [Baike Baidu (Chinese)]
  • [Moegirl (Chinese)]
  • [NamuWiki (Korean)]