Saimoe Wiki
Saimoe Wiki
Saimoe Wiki

Tifa Lockhart is "that hot-ass bitch from Final Fantasy VII" who fights up close and personal, and is one of Cloud Strife's potential love interests. Tifa's revealing design and the game's enduring popularity makes her one of the most popular video game characters of all time, especially when it comes to tournament polls like these.

Tifa has made one appearance in Korea Best Moe's first tournament in 2006, and even advanced into the main tournament's bracket stage. However, since KBM is primarily an anime/manga waifu tournament, she immediately lost afterwards.

Nevertheless, the fighter has re-emerged as a strong contestant in several notable video game character tournaments in the Internet, starting from her appearances in GameFAQ's site-wide Character Battles, and in 4chan's /v/ waifu tournament which began many years later.

Other tournaments[]

Korea Best Moe[]

KBM 2006

  • Anime: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children film (2005-09-14)
  • T64 plate Tenma Tsukamoto @ School Rumble -- 251 - 383


Beware of spoilers and pop-ups.

Queen of /v/
2019-???. Organized by 4chan users in /v/ - Video Games board.
Tournaments 2019202020212022
Champions Samus icon Samus AranT reimu Reimu HakureiRecette icon Recette Lemongrass
Elite Eight
Bold underlined indicates a girl finished runner-up at least once
2BAigisAlice (Black Souls)AmaterasuCirnoChun-LiCurly BraceFio GermiGLaDOSMadotsukiMarisa KirisameMaya FeyMidnaMorrigan AenslandPeachRollShantaeTifa Lockhart
GameFAQs contests
2002-???. Organized by Gamefaqs.
Character Battles I (2002)II (2003)III (2004)IV (2005)V (2006)VI (2007)VII (2008)VIII (2010)IX (2013)X (2018)XI (???)
Other Games I (2004)Villains (2005)Series (2006)Games II (2009)GotD I (2010)Rivals (2011)Games III (2015)Years (2017)GotD II (2020)
The Hierarchy
Noble Nine Link loz icon Link***** • Cloud icon Cloud* • Mario icon Mario* • Samus icon Samus* • Sephiroth icon Sephiroth[1]Snake icon SnakeCrono icon CronoMega man icon Mega ManSonic icon Sonic
Other Champions L block icon L-Block* • Draven icon Draven* • Ganon icon Ganon[2]
Notable Players Zelda icon ZeldaTifa icon TifaAerith icon AerithAlucard cv icon AlucardSora kh icon SoraVivi ff icon ViviAuron icon AuronSquall icon SquallLuigi icon LuigiBowser icon BowserCharizard icon CharizardKirby icon KirbyRyu sf icon Ryu
[1] Champion of Villains 2005
[2] Co-champion of Rivals 2011 alongside Link.