Experimental list based on the Legacy Rating status used in EA Sports' Fight Night series.
For suggestions, use the comments section.
The list[]
From highest to lowest:
- Greatest of All Time - Legend + unprecedented acheivements in saimoe world.
- Legend - Exceptional popularity and contest wins, at least 2 majors.
- Salt of Famer - Girls who have achieved legendary status in either ISML or r/anime. "Retired" girls will also go here.
- Superstar - Champion + Powerhouse; still competing in other majors at a high level. Active girls only.
- Champion - Girls who have one major win, with mediocre performance in other majors.
- Powerhouse - Contenders for one or several majors.
- Regular - Stable participation at least one major.
- Cannon Fodder - Regular, but performs poorly.
- Obscure
Example list:[]
- Powerhouse
- Regular
Character Ranks[]
Champion Insignia represents a character's overall major contest wins. ★ is awarded upon ISML, Best Girl, Bilibili Moe, and Aketo. ☆ is awarded upon ISML ToC, J-Saimoe, Best Character, and KBM.
- Multi-Star Characters
- 2-star Characters
- 1-star Characters (Female)
- 1-Star Characters (Male)
- Icons: ()()()
Waifu Rating[]
Waifu Rating is determined by following formula. Details of Circuit Points are described HERE. Waifu Rating derived from this website. (Initial Default Value = approx. 157)
- Waifu Rating = 100 × [{Sqrt (a character's Tot accumulated CP + 25)}/{ln (months after debut + 24)}]
- Saimoe Index (? IDV) = Waifu Rating / Initial Default Value
Examples (2021):
- GOAT: 2490 1793
- Legend/SoF: 1414 1353 1231 1058 971 953 892 728
- Superstar/Champ: 1275 1260 1082 959 916 866 611
- Powerhouse: 1520 1471 1039 868 850 724 549
- Regular: 579 455 429 397 335 290 288
- Fodder/Obscure: 262 253 217 165 148 105 93
Saimoe Index Guide:
- (<1) IDV: Unfamiliar supporting character or Unlikable heroines.
- (1~2) IDV: Past heroines who have mediocre popularity or Infamous newbies.
- (2~3) IDV: Famous old heroines who are out of mainstream or Moderate newbies.
- (3~4) IDV: Old heroines who belong to mainstream or Well-performing rookies.
- (4~6) IDV: High-level veteran heroines or promising stars.
- (6~8) IDV: Exceptional superstar heroines in various saimoe contests.
- (8~10) IDV: Indisputable, The strongest heroines in saimoe world.
- (>10) IDV: Undeniable SAIMOE-GODDESS.
For Entire saimoe(saigar) contestants,
- Every character has WR over 80 (0.51 IDV).
- All characters who have WR under 126 (0.8 IDV): CP = 0