Saimoe Wiki
Saimoe Wiki
Saimoe Wiki

Raphtalia is the main heroine of Aneko Yusagi's isekai dark fantasy light novel series The Rising of the Shield Hero.

The raccoon girl emerged as a very popular waifu character in online anime communities, and she is listed by the contributors of the Chinese Moegirl wiki as a member of the Ten-Win Club (Moegirl link) because of her many victories in "waifu tournaments" held within the social media website Facebook.

Outside of Facebook, Raphtalia has appeared in the seasonal contests of both r/anime and the International Saimoe League, but is overshadowed by the titular Quintessential Quintuplets and the girls from Kaguya-sama. While she holds a moderate presence in the subreddit's Best Girl Contest since then, she is yet to appear in the ISML regular season, having been eliminated in the preliminary period since 2020.

Background & history[]



Non-Contest Awards

Total Wins[]

Wins (19)

  1. FACEBOOK My Anime Land Waifu 2018-2019 Tournament
  2. FACEBOOK Amantes del Anime Shojo Torneo de Waifus Anime 2019
  3. FACEBOOK El Shota Sempai Torneo de waifus 2019
  4. FACEBOOK Onii Chan Torneo de Waifus 2019 (Image link)
  5. FACEBOOK Ganadora Torneo de Waifus 2019 (Image link)
  6. FACEBOOK Rem re zero torneo de waifus 2019 (Facebook link, requires log-in)
  7. FB Tio Club Vertigo Anime TdW 2019 (FB link)
  8. FACEBOOK Anime un Mundo Maravilloso Torneo de waifus 2019
  9. @Restart Waifu of the Year 2019 [1]
  10. La Taberna de Aqua TdW 2020 [2]
  11. FACEBOOK Sakakibara Torneo de waifus 2020 (Image link)
  12. FACEBOOK El Multi Waifus Torneo de waifus 2020 (Image link)
  13. FACEBOOK Kaptivate Itsouki min Torneo de waifus 2020 (Image link)
  14. FACEBOOK Amor Por Animes BR アニメを愛する battle of waifus isekais 2020 (Image link)
  15. RightStuf Waifu Battle 2020 [3]
  16. FB Anime Flash TdW 2020 [4]
  17. Torneo de la Besto Waifu 2021 - Cuando el hey hey no pudo contra la diosa de los furros (Image link)
  18. Torneo de la besto Waifu no Humana 2021 (Image link)
  19. Kodaka Anime Torneo de la Besto Waifu 2022 [5][6]

List of runner-up finishes = 12

  1. Facebook Anime Memes Favorite Isekai Waifu 2020 [7]
  2. Otakus con saber a pastel Ganadora torneo de waifus 2020 [8]
  3. ×Otakus y Waifus× Torneo de waifus 2020 S1 [9]
  4. Facebook Waifu Champions League 2020 [10]
  5. Elite Anime Torneo de waifus 2021 [11]
  6. Torneo de waifus del rincon de itsuki 2021 [12]
  7. Otra Simple Pagina de Anime Torneo de waifus 2021 [13]
  8. Torneo de waifus Chomusuke 2021 [14]
  9. Nacion Akachan Campeona del Torneo de waifus 2021 [15]
  10. @Rimuru Tempest Best Isekai Waifu 2021 [16]
  11. Torneo Besto Loli de Anime 2022 [17]
  12. ZM-ANIME Vote Waifu 2022 [18]

External links[]

Beware of spoilers and pop-ups.
