Saimoe Wiki
Saimoe Wiki

ISML Profile Flavor Text[]

In the words of one smitten by Minori: “A true airhead must be someone like her.”

Minori is a master at random outbursts and overdramatized lines and gestures. But being an airhead seems to be no obstacle for her to be extra productive: she juggles multiple part-time jobs, remains a valued part of the high school softball team and still finds the time to keep up with whatever bizarre TV shows strike her fancy. She even knows her way around the kitchen. And besides, who could mind her energetic bursts with that bright personality of hers?

But what if being an airhead is not as easy as it seems? It doesn't save you from realizing your mistakes too late. It won't make having to decide between love and friendship any less painful. If you do your best at everything, are you not bound to eventually fail at one of those things, no matter how hard you try?

And what happens when you are too exhausted to keep on being an airhead?

Match History[]

Anime Saimoe Tournament[]



Korea Best Moe Tournament[]


International Saimoe League[]


  • Regular season icon 33rd (32-0-0-31)


  • Regular season icon 39th (12-0-37)

Other Smaller Tournaments[]

SenpuuSociety European Saimoe[]


External Links[]

Beware of spoilers and pop-ups.
