Saimoe Wiki
Saimoe Wiki

Miku Nakano is the third member of the eponymous quintuplets featured in Negi Haruba's manga and anime series 5-toubun no Hanayome (literally "Five Equal Brides"). She is described as having a timid personality and the least sociable of the quintuplets. She is identified by her long, untied hair, a pair of Audio Technica headphones around her neck, and black pantyhose on her school uniform. Her favourites include matcha tea and Japanese historical generals. Being a harem series involving the five twin girls, Miku is the first quintuplet to fall in love with the male protagonist Fuutarou.


Contest profile[]

Miku nakano pout


For most of the series' runtime, Miku has been long considered a top contender to become Fuutarou's bride. During the anime's first season in Winter 2019 she emerged as the most popular quintuplet because to her personality and cute pouts. Naturally, her popularity in the anime extends into the saimoe contests where she is by and large the most successful character from the entire series.

The Chinese moegirl wiki lists the Nakano quintuplet as a member of the "Ten-Kings Club" (Moegirl link) owing to her victories in several Facebook waifu tournaments, which are mostly organized by Latin American groups.


Miku entered ISML's 2019 Winter seasonal as a second seed, defeating Raphtalia and Chika in the first two bracket rounds before losing to Kaguya in the final. Because of her runner-up result, she automatically qualified for the main tournament of ISML 2020.

Miku's 2020 regular season campaign got off to a great start as she won all of her matches in the Aquamarine group stage. However, her CVP stat wasn't enough to qualify for that period's necklace round; instead she competed for that period's bracelet (consolation gem) where she finished second behind Raildex's Kuroko Shirai. The quintuplet continued to perform relatively well in the second group stage, but crucial losses to Saekano's Utaha and Raildex's Misaki ultimately prevented her from advancing directly to the next round, finishing 7th with a 9-6 record. In the ensuing wildcard round she was swiftly kicked out of the tournament with a ghastly 19th place. Afterwards, Miku played in a consolation match fought between losers of the 2nd wildcard round, finishing in 12th place and 44th in final positions overall.

The nomination rules of ISML 2021 state that a maximum of 3 characters from each show airing within Winter and Spring 2021 will be automatically assigned to its respective seasonal contest first. As a result, Miku will play on that year's Winter seasonal league because the anime's season 2 aired during that time. With the tournament using a brand-new format compared to previous seasonals, Miku entered as a favourite to win the diadem, which she easily accomplished after winning all of her group matches and garnering the highest score in the range-voting diadem round. The result also qualified Miku for the expanded inter-seasonal bracket, which is set to occur during the year's playoff period.

ISML record[]

ISML Profile Flavor Text
(written by Momento10)

They are different, but are one of the same.

Of the five quintuplets, Nanako Miku is the quietest of the group. She prefers not to stand out and take a backseat role in her family circle. Her sisters want her to show off her hidden beauty, but because the rest of of them are doing that for her, she feels as though there is no need for her to do so.

Ironically, observing her sister's antics from behind meant that she is able to mimic their voices, actions, and decisions to near perfection. When any of her sisters need to either get away from a situation or are too busy doing something else, they all come to her and ask her to take their position. One wig and hairpiece later, and many people fall victim to Miku's acting skills.

Because she can be anyone and everything, Miku lacks any real drive to do anything. She is interested in Japanese Feudalism and music, but, outside of her interests, she does not have any motivation to do other things. It is not as though she does not want to change the stagnant air around her; she believes there is no point in doing so.

Perhaps someone from outside of her family can add a little color in her monochrome vision in life. A little budding romance is a plus.

Seasonal & Exhibition[]

ISML Seasonals & Exhibition Tournaments
Rd Opponent Score Series Prd.
Seasonal Diadem - 2019 Winter
Elims. 24 players (Approval) 11,658 (2nd) N/A Aqua Gem
QF (7) Raphtalia Raphtalia 6644 - 4140 Shield Hero Topaz 1
SF (3) Chika f Chika Fujiwara 5911 - 5816 Kaguya-sama Topaz 2
Final (1) Kaguya Kaguya Shinomiya 6395 - 8398 Kaguya-sama Topaz 3
Seasonal League (Nova) - 2021 Winter
Nominations: 126 votes (1st)
Elims. 30 players (Approval) 1956 (2nd) N/A Prelim 1
Groups R1 Kumoko Kumoko 2974 - 1083 Kumodesu Prelim 2
Groups R2 Setsuna redo Setsuna 2725 - 1169 Redo of Healer Prelim 3
Groups R3 Renge Renge Miyauchi 1994 - 1200 Non Non Biyori (S3) Prelim 4
Groups R4 Echidna Echidna 2421 - 1344 Re:Zero (S2) Prelim 5
Groups R5 Roxy Roxy Migurdia 2244 - 1636 Mushoku Tensei Prelim 6
Group B Results: 1st, 5W-0L, CVPD:3.257
Diadem Rd 6 players (Range) 38,022.5 (1st) N/A Aqua Gem
R16 PO 1/2
Final PO 5

Main Tournament[]

Overall record: 14 wins, 6 losses

ISML 2020
Directly Qualified - 2019 Winter Runner-up
Seedings Rd 1 (Range): 24,076.5 - seed 17
Stage Rd Opponent Score W-L?
Split 1
Group P

5W 0L

Aqua 1 Cardcaptor Sakura Kinomoto 2669 - 1743 W
Aqua 2 Haruhi Haruhi Suzumiya 2809 - 2466 W
Aqua 3 02 Zero Two 2915 - 2076 W
Aqua 4 Mikasa Mikasa Ackerman 2280 - 1705 W
Aqua 5 Kumiko Kumiko Oumae 3254 - 2099 W
Split 2
Group A

9W 6L

Tpz 1 Jibril1 Jibril 1992 - 1462 W
Tpz 2 Kaguya Kaguya Shinomiya 1223 - 2818 L
Tpz 3 Tohru dragon Tohru 2370 - 2105 W
Tpz 4 Mashiro Mashiro Shiina 1451 - 3133 L
Tpz 5 Mirai Mirai Kuriyama 2788 - 2325 W
Amet 1 Haruhi Haruhi Suzumiya (x2) 2605 - 1743 W
Amet 2 Misaki 2.5 Misaki Shokuhou 1595 - 1978 L
Amet 3 Madoka Madoka Kaname 3492 - 1790 W
Amet 4 Index Index 2820 - 1902 W
Amet 5 Utaha Utaha Kasumigaoka 2731 - 3138 L
Sapp 1 Mei misaki Mei Misaki 3388 - 2787 W
Sapp 2 Yui yuigahama Yui Yuigahama 2613 - 3273 L
Sapp 3 Kaori Kaori Miyazono 3381 - 2819 W
Sapp 4 Hayasaka 3 Ai Hayasaka 3333 - 4151 L
Sapp 5 Ai haibara Ai Haibara 2778 - 2749 W
Wildcards (Approval): 4223 votes (19th, Out)
Split 3 Dia 5 32 players (Range) 34,270.1 (12th) N/A
Final position: 44th (Based on consolation finish)

Gem Record[]

  • Necklace appearances: 0
  • Jewelry Exhibitions:
    • 2020 Bracelets: Aquamarine (2nd)

Poster gallery[]

r/anime history[]

Seasonal Salt - 2019 Winter (seed 5)

  • T64 plate (60) Terano Toutoubami 1843 - 179
  • T32 plate (28) Quinella Quinella 2065 - 374
  • T16 plate (12) Melty Q Melromarc 2069 - 627
  • Qf plate (4) Raphtalia Raphtalia 1855 - 2037

Best Girl of 2019 (seed 8)

  • T32 plate (25) Tamaki k Tamaki Kotatsu 1577 - 588
  • T16 plate (9) Kanao Kanao Tsuyuri 1300 - 701
  • Qf plate (1) Kaguya Kaguya Shinomiya 972 - 1776

Best Girl 7 (seed 46)

Best Girl 8 (seed 21)


Contest Wins = 32

  1. ISML 2021 Diadem of Winter
  2. 2019 Facebook @DongmanTiandi(@动漫天地) ACG Contest
  3. Best Waifu AnimeClick 2020 (ISML forum thread, Final match link)
  4. Facebook Dr. Animeme 2020 (Image link)
  5. Facebook Fanpage Love Anime Manga Tournament 2020 (Image link)
  6. 2020 Facebook Waifu War Season 1 (Image link)
  7. Facebook Torneo 3 de Waifus 2020 (Image link)
  8. Facebook Mundial de Waifus 2020 (Image link)
  9. FACEBOOK Suculent Anime Torneo de waifus 2020 [1]
  10. @Momatsu Torneo Waifu War 2020 [2]
  11. FACEBOOK Go-Toubun No Hanayome Latinoamérica Concurso de Waifus 2020 (Image link)
  12. Facebook Favorite Waifu Hoc Vien Anime 2021 (Image link)
  13. Torneo de la besto waifu Kodaka 2021 (Image link)
  14. 2021 Torneo de waifus Yugen S2 [3]
  15. Facebook ANMO TdW inverno 2021 [4]
  16. Go Toumemes Torneo de waifus 2021 [5][6]
  17. OtakuPillows Super Torneo de waifus 2021 [7]
  18. Hanayome Y mas torneo de waifus 2021 [8]
  19. NHD-Anime Meme Fanpage Binh Conh Cup Girl 2021 [9]
  20. Anime Lovers Group Waifu Trophy 2021 [10]
  21. FACEBOOK Amor Por Animes BR アニメを愛する Best Female Student 2021 [11]
  22. FB @Edel Dragons Torneo de waifus 2021 [12]
  23. Tsuki Zekay TdW Best Random 2021 [13][14]
  24. Anime Hakai TdW Best Random 2021 [15][16]
  25. Facebook @Akaashi Torneo Navideo 2021 [17][18]
  26. Eliud Posting Campeonato de waifu 2021 [19]
  27. Pandila Otaku Td la besto waifu 2021 [20]
  28. Commentadores Anime Torneo best Waifu 2021 [21]
  29. Ackerman-sempai Mejor Personaje Femenino 2021 [22]
  30. FB WaifusPOQNA TdW 2022 [23]
  31. Mei Hazume Waifu War 2022 [24]
  32. Satira-Visual Torneo de waifu 2022 [25]

List of runner-up finishes = 24

  1. ISML 2019 Winter Seasonal
  2. Facebook Satella Torneo de waifus 2020 [26]
  3. Facebook Rem re zero TdW 2020 [27]
  4. Facebook the best waifu competition 2020 [28]
  5. Facebook Onii chan siscon TdW 2020 [29]
  6. @La Taberna del Debate - (24 hour) Best Waifu Wars Tournament 2020 [30]
  7. FACEBOOK 2.0 Pro-Records Torneo de waifus 2021 [31]
  8. Pandila Otaku Torneo de la Besto Colegiala 2021 [32]
  9. Torneo de waifus Ichikaru 2021 [33]
  10. Torneo de waifus AVEXYZ 2021 [34]
  11. Ackerman Sempai Torneo de waifus 2021 [35]
  12. Akumanime Torneo de waifus 2021 [36]
  13. Suculent Anime Torneo de waifus 2021 [37]
  14. Anime Hakai Torneo de waifus 2021 [38]
  15. Shitpost de otra Waifu(SDOW) Mini TdW 2021 [39]
  16. Ganadora Del T. Inverso Besto Waifu 2021 [40]
  17. Anime The gioi moi Queen 2021 [41]
  18. Hanabi no fansub Tdw: Edicion Halloween 2021 [42]
  19. Facebook Miko-News 2.0 Torneo best waifu Muda 2021 [43]
  20. Otaku's World Waiffu League 2021 [44]
  21. Trung Thanh Chung Ket Waifu 2022 [45]
  22. Anime De la Temporada TdW S1 2022 [46]
  23. El Tio Hakai Torneo de waifus 2022 [47]
  24. Fandom Mixto Torneo de waifus 2022 [48]

External links[]

Beware of spoilers and pop-ups.

ISML Seasonal Diadem Winners
2012 Ririchiyo RirichiyoKyh KuroyukihimeAsuna AsunaRikka chuuni Rikka
2013 Kurousagi Black RabbitKurumi KurumiKyouko k KirigiriMirai Mirai
2014 Chitoge ChitogeShiro1 ShiroChiyo s ChiyoIsuzu Isuzu
2015 Megumi k Megumi K.Isla1 IslaNao NaoMitsuki MitsukiND, SEQ
2016 Megumin MeguminRem RemAoba AobaChitose Chitose
2017 Kanna KannaChtholly ChthollySuzune SuzuneNayuta Nayuta
2018 Violet VioletOchako UrarakaND, SEQPlatelet PlateletMaisan Mai-san
2019 Kaguya KaguyaFumino FuminoGray GrayIshtar Ishtar
2020 Kotoko KotokoKei s Kei S.SEQChizuru i ChizuruElaina Elaina
2021 Female Miku MikuND, SEQMiko IinoND, SEQKeke ll Keke DCRan RanND, SEQ
Male Tanjiro TanjiroSEQ, DCTakashi NatsumeSEQKimihiko ln KimihikoLugh Lugh
ND - NOT a DEBUTANT; appeared in a seasonal contest beforehand
SEQ - Appeared in a SEQUEL installment
DC - Won inter-seasonal playoffs (Divine Circlet / Crown)
DCX - Won inter-seasonal playoffs but not a seasonal (listed last)