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Isuzuruha Centollusia(commonly called as Isuzu Sento) is the main heroine of the light novel Amagi Brilliant Park, written by Shoji Gatoh with illustrations by Yuka Nakajima and adapted into a 2014 anime by Kyoto Animation. Her namesake is the real-life American rapper 50 Cent.

As a waifu character, Sento is mainly popular for her smoking hot looks, possessing big breasts and luscious legs accentuated by zettai ryouiki thigh-high stockings. She is classified as a kuudere due to her stoic personality and monotone voice.

Isuzu is one of KyoAni's relatively less popular characters, and her history in major saimoe contests is marked by mediocrity apart from her rookie year. She was the winner of the 2014 fall diadem in the International Saimoe League, and was a candidate of its Nova division playoffs in 2015, where she barely lost out on a top 16 spot due to a crucial loss against Chitoge Kirisaki. She's also appeared in the fourth round of r/anime's Best Girl contests on three editions, which is her best-ever result in the bracket series.

Background & history[]



International Saimoe League

  • Best finish: Division playoffs (2015 Nova)
  • Highest final position: Nova 9th (2015)

Other Contest Wins (2)


ISML Profile Flavor Text
Isuzu isml profile

Never make a woman who can call forth rifles out of nowhere angry.

Serious and duty-driven, Sento Isuzu only has one goal: to make sure that the amusement park she is working at continues to prosper for the upcoming year. If sales start to fall and the number of customers starts to dwindle, Isuzu will do whatever she can to keep the ball rolling. When ruling with an iron fist does not work, Isuzu is forced to find someone to work alongside her and help her come up with some new ideas.

Too much focus on one thing means getting stuck in the same routine. But as stubborn as she can be, Isuzu is always thinking about how to make the amusement park a better place, even if her colleagues and employees may not always like her methods. Isuzu might have the best intentions, but it does no good if her acquaintances are too afraid of her to cooperate properly.

Isuzu realizes her shortcomings, but still believes she cannot afford to relax. There is too much on the line. And when the odds seem to be stacked against her, a friendly reminder that she can share her burdens and troubles with others may allow her to realize what she had been missing all along: faith in her comrades.

Reestablishing herself, Isuzu tries one more time to become the leader people will follow. And this time, she is not alone.

External links[]

Beware of spoilers and pop-ups.

Kyoto Animation Characters
Clannad Tomoya Tomoya OkazakiNagisa Nagisa FurukawaKyou Kyou FujibayashiTomoyo Tomoyo Sakagami
Haruhi Kyon1 KyonHaruhi Haruhi SuzumiyaYuki n Yuki NagatoMikuru Asahina
Lucky Star Kagami Hiiragi Kagami HiiragiKonata Konata IzumiTsukasa Hiiragi
K-ON! Mio kon Mio AkiyamaYui Hirasawa Yui HirasawaAzusa Nakano Azusa NakanoRitsu TainakaTsumugi KotobukiUi Hirasawa
Chuunibyou Yuuta Yuuta TogashiRikka chuuni Rikka TakanashiShinka NibutaniSanae Dekomori
Hyouka Houtarou Houtarou OrekiEru Eru Chitanda
Amagi Isuzu Isuzu Sento
Kyoukai no Kanata AKihito KanbaraHiroomi NaseMirai Mirai KuriyamaMitsuki Nase
Phantom World Mai Kawakami
Euphonium Kumiko Kumiko OumaeReina Reina Kousaka
Dragon Maid KobayashiTohru dragon TohruKanna Kanna Kamui
Koe no Katachi Shouya Shouya IshidaShouko Shouko Nishimiya
VE Violet Violet Evergarden
ISML Seasonal Diadem Winners
2012 Ririchiyo RirichiyoKyh KuroyukihimeAsuna AsunaRikka chuuni Rikka
2013 Kurousagi Black RabbitKurumi KurumiKyouko k KirigiriMirai Mirai
2014 Chitoge ChitogeShiro1 ShiroChiyo s ChiyoIsuzu Isuzu
2015 Megumi k Megumi K.Isla1 IslaNao NaoMitsuki MitsukiND, SEQ
2016 Megumin MeguminRem RemAoba AobaChitose Chitose
2017 Kanna KannaChtholly ChthollySuzune SuzuneNayuta Nayuta
2018 Violet VioletOchako UrarakaND, SEQPlatelet PlateletMaisan Mai-san
2019 Kaguya KaguyaFumino FuminoGray GrayIshtar Ishtar
2020 Kotoko KotokoKei s Kei S.SEQChizuru i ChizuruElaina Elaina
2021 Female Miku MikuND, SEQMiko IinoND, SEQKeke ll Keke DCRan RanND, SEQ
Male Tanjiro TanjiroSEQ, DCTakashi NatsumeSEQKimihiko ln KimihikoLugh Lugh
ND - NOT a DEBUTANT; appeared in a seasonal contest beforehand
SEQ - Appeared in a SEQUEL installment
DC - Won inter-seasonal playoffs (Divine Circlet / Crown)
DCX - Won inter-seasonal playoffs but not a seasonal (listed last)