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Saimoe Wiki
This article covers an upcoming event. Information in this article is subject to change and may not reflect the latest version.

Best Character 6 will be the sixth edition of r/anime's mixed-gender character tournament. It was expected to occur in late 2021 just like the previous edition but it never came, putting the status of the tournament in question as the moderators of the subreddit haven't released a statement or action about it yet.

At the end of Best Girl 8, the tournament's host mpp00 gathered feedback about the "contest burnout" stemming from the lowering vote turnouts and declining interest, and one of the discussion points was about whether Best Character should be continued or not. Opinions vary; some say that the tournament is just as important as Best Girl and Best Guy as the criteria needed to win is different, and some characters like Asuka and 8man tend to perform better in Best Character than the other two main contests. On the other hand, some users feel that the tournament serves as a "retirement home" for several of the subreddit's beloved characters who can't seem to win Best Girl / Guy no matter how hard they try, as is the case for Senjougahara, Okabe, and Edward.

Since this tournament was not held in late 2021, it is possible that Best Character might be changed to a biennial schedule (every two years) if it goes through next year.

/r/anime character tournaments
Best Guy BGuy1BGuy2BGuy3BGuy4BGuy5BGuy6BGuy7BGuy8BGuy9
Best Char BCh1BCh2BCh3BCh4BCh5BCh6
Seasonal Salt 201720182019202020212022