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Chihaya Ayase is the main protagonist of Yuki Suetsugu's Chihayafuru, a sports manga and anime series about competitive karuta - which is a Japanese card game where players attempt to remove all of the cards from their side before their opponent does. Each card contains a poem from the famous Hyakunin Isshu collection (100 poems by 100 poets). To remove a card, a player must touch the correct card that contains the poem that is being read aloud. If the player removes a card from the opposing side, the player transfers one of their cards to their opponent.

In the series, Chihaya is a tall, beautiful high school student who is labeled a "beauty in vain" by her peers because of her un-feminine, tomboyish attitude. She was introduced to karuta during her childhood days through Arata Wataya, one of the strongest players in the sport. She is accompanied by her childhood friend Taichi Mashima, who is also introduced to the card game. Having developed a love for karuta since then, Chihaya now aims to become one of the best players in the country. She mainly employs an offensive play style which relies on her sharp hearing senses and fast reflexes to take cards before her opponents can even react.


Contest profile[]

Chihayafuru is credited for popularizing competitive karuta in Japan and introducing more people to the sport. It is also one of the most recognizable and highest-rated josei manga in several anime-related websites and databases. Despite its intended audience (young adult women), the story plays out like a shonen sports manga with rivalries, tournament arcs, special techniques, invincible-looking "final bosses", and all of the thrill and drama that comes with competition.


Anime Saimoe Tournament[]

Saimoe 2012

Saimoe 2013

Saimoe 2014


Best Girl[]

Best Girl 1 - seed 272

Best Girl 4 - seed 266

  • R1 plate Chihiro o Chihiro Ogino 3423 - 4070

Best Girl 6 - seed 319

Best Girl 7 - seed 281

  • R1 plate (232) Yuzuki s Yuzuki Shiraishi 1451 - 1221
  • R2 plate (25) Tomoe koga Tomoe Koga 1139 - 2031

Best Girl 8 - seed 353

Best Character[]

Best Character 4 - seed 459

  • R1 plate (54) Mumen Mumen Rider 543 - 1233

Best Character 5 - seed 247

International Saimoe League[]

Seasonal & Exhibition[]

Seasonal Diadem: 2013 Winter

  • Ro36 (3-way): Rita Rita Ainsworth > Mao Amatsuka > Chihaya (You) (4362 - 2974 - 1594)

Seasonal Diadem: 2019 Fall

  • Approval voting (PO 1, Max. 8): 6526 votes (19th/24th, Out)

External links[]

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